Jack-Plant Manager
Jack-Plant Manager
Established KAPHAPHYSIO on 2017-06-14
Jack has been working as an Engineer since January 1998, bringing his extensive 25 years of experience in physiotherapy device resarch to lead our technical team. Before eatablishing KAPHA, Jack worked at GZFS factory, where he successfully developed and implemented a strategy to achieve development and production goals.
Steve-Chief Engineer
Steve-Chief Engineer
What do colleagues say about him?
Steve was the life of the office, effortlessly gathering colleagues. His friendly nature and genuine interest in others created a warm atmosphere. From team-building activities to casual lunches, Steve made sure everyone felt included. His charisma fostered a supportive community where everyone thrived.
Edward-Deputy Plant Manager
Edward-Deputy Plant Manager
What does he like to do in his spare time
From Monday to Friday, he dedicated his time and energy to his demanding job, diligently completing his responsibilities. However, what truly defined Edward was his unwavering love for his little son, Charlie, and the special bond they shared. On weekends, he likes to go hiking with his son and wife.
Production Process
Identifying the need for a new machine and conceptualizing its design, including research, brainstorming, and creating initial sketches.
Once the design is finalized, engineers and designers use CAD software to create detailed designs and specifications for the machine. A prototype is then built to test and refine the design.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
After the prototype is approved, the necessary components and materials are sourced from suppliers. These include electronic components, motors, sensors, housing materials, cables, etc. The machine's various parts are then manufactured, either in-house or outsourced to specialized manufacturers.
Product Assembling
Product Assembling
The manufactured components are assembled together following the design specifications. This includes integrating the electronics, motors, sensors, mechanical parts, and any other necessary elements. Quality checks are performed at each stage to ensure proper assembly.
 Software Customization
Software Customization
The software is developed and integrated into the machine. This involves programming the user interface, creating algorithms, calibration processes, and ensuring compatibility with other devices or systems.
Quality Check
Quality Check
Once the machine is fully assembled and integrated, it undergoes extensive testing to ensure it functions correctly and safely. This includes functional tests, performance tests, electrical safety tests, and endurance tests. After successful testing, the machine can be certified for compliance with relevant safety and regulatory standards. Following certification, the machine can enter full-scale production for distribution and use.
Logo Customization
Your logo can be put on the machine case, package box and screen.
Logo Customization
Color Customization
The machine color can be changed based on your preference and match your brand style.
Color Customization
Structure Customizaion
A new casing can be customized according to your idea and suggestion.
Structure Customizaion
Logo Customization
Your logo can be put on the machine case, package box and screen.
Logo Customization
Color Customization
The machine color can be changed based on your preference and match your brand style.
Color Customization
Structure Customizaion
A new casing can be customized according to your idea and suggestion.
Structure Customizaion
KAPHAPHYSIO | Building 23, Yongxu Industrial Park, CN | +8618680454059(Doris Kong) | kaphaphysio@gmail.com
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If you are interested in our products and want to know more details, please leave a message here, we will reply you as soon as possible.