๐น High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) is now widely recognized as a safe, pain-free, and non-invasive medical procedure to accelerate the treatment and rehabilitation of various acute and chronic pain conditions.
๐น HILT devices are used in hundreds of medical facilities through the world.
๐น HILT offers patients a painless, non-surgical and side effect free treatment for conditions previously refractive to traditional medical care.
๐น The mechanism of action for laser therapy comes from its ability, at the cellular level, to"bio-stimulate" tissue growth and repair.
๐น This results in accelerated wound healing as well as a dramatic decrease in pain, inflammation and scar tissue formation.
๐น Unlike all other treatment modalities, laser therapy actually "heals" tissue,providing a powerful non-addictive form of pain management.
๐น Additionally,multiple studies have shown that HILT safely and effectively activates stem cells without any detrimental effect upon the stem cells whatsoever, Laser therapy causes stem cell activation at the target site of photonic stimulation, where stem cell proliferation has been shown to occur along with the maintenance of cellular viability, Laser therapy also enhances stem cell procedures by accelerating articular cartilage regeneration, pain reduction.
๐น As cancer cells, the most obvious physiological difference is how they generate energy.
๐น We know that normal body cells generate energy (ATP) through aerobic respiration,while cancer cells are predominantly anaerobic.
๐น Cancer cells meet the majority of their energy requirements via fermentation, laser treatment can energize and regenerate the cells 'health process.
๐น 810nm wavelength is strongly absorbed by the cytochromes contained in the mitochondria of each cell.This activates the respiratory chain and initiates processes that increase ATP production.It can penetrate 5cm deep into body
๐น 905nm wavelength is less absorbed by water (and therefore oedema often characteristic of acute inflammation), blood and melanin.
๐น 980nm wavelength is strongly absorbed by water, which causes a rise in tissue temperature.Thanks to this, an increase in metabolism, an increase in the collagen fber stretch.The 980nmwavelength, due to its strong absorption by water, penetrates much shallower.
๐น 1064nm wavelength penetration depth up to 10 cm into the tissue extremely effective in healing acceleration and pain management.Designed for the use in sports medicine, orthopedics, and rehabilitation.
๐น High power laser therapy have multiple Watts of power, greatly reducing the treatment times of even large or deep structures,This makes high power laser treatment an effective and practical physical therapy modality. Here are the benefits of high power laser treatment:
ยท Increased hamstring force
ยท Better shoulder mobility
ยท Less tennis elbow pain
ยท Reduced jaw pain
ยท Less carpal tunnel pain
ยท Less knee osteoarthritis pain
ยท Less back pain
ยท Carpal tunnel pain
ยท Tennis elbow pain
ยท Acute ankle pain
ยท Shoulder mobility