PMST MAX DUO| Kaphaphysio
KAPHAPHYSIO | 08.Aug,2024

Magneto Therapy


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What is Magnetic Therapy ?

πŸ”Ή  Magnetic therapy is a physical medicine procedure that allows treatment with the application of magnetic field. It delivers high intensity magnetic field by ST or MT mode.

πŸ”Ή  PMST MAX DUO supports regenerative processes - accelerates bone union,relieves edema and pain as well as shortens the time needed for recovery. it enables effective pain and edema treatment, even during post-surgery healing phase.

πŸ”Ή  During the treatment, the magnetic field penetrates the body and reaches its every cell. where, by acting on the structure of cell membranes. It supports cell repair processes, facilitating the penetration of oxygen and nutrients into its interior.

HOW PMST MAX DUO help patients ?

πŸ”Ή  Magnetic therapy has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edema and regenerative effects. In addition, acceleration of bone healing are mentioned among the biological effects of the magnetic field.

πŸ”Ή  PMST MAX DUO are used in hospitals, doctor's of  official clinics, rehabilitation centers and many other health care facilities. It brings relief to patients by supporting wound healing, tissue regeneration and acceleration of healing process after orthopedic treatment procedures and surgeries.

πŸ”Ή  The treatment is a largely risk-free and side-effect-free method. As a patient, you will find the therapy very comfortable - The magnetic applicator is positioned over the area of pain, while you remain fully clothed - direct skin contact is no necessary.It is a non-invasive procedure that differs from other forms of magnetic held therapy due to its magnetic field strength, also known as effective transduction power. it is believed that these properties can enhance healing processes and reduce inflammation.

πŸ”Ή  Note this treatment is not suitable for patients with pacemakers or during pregnancy. A single treatment session lasts between 10 to 20 minutes, and between 4-6 sessions are required, depending on the severity of the condition and the response to the therapy.

Significantly accelerates the healing process in the following diseases

βœ…Musculoskeletal disorders such as discopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee arthrosis, impaired bone union (fracture conditions), degenerative changes in the spine and joints fbromyalgia, joint cartilage damage, Achilles tendonitis, rotator cuff muscle damage,osteoporosis, pseudoarthrosis , rheumatoid arthritis, muscle infammation, pelvic pain.

βœ…Wounds and ulcers, e.g. leg ulcers in the course of diabetes, postoperative inflammation,postoperative pain and edema, burns.

βœ…Nervous system diseases, including diabetic polyeuropathy (pain and paraesthesia),nerve damage, cranial and peripheral nerve dysfunction, stroke status, multiple sclerosis.

βœ…Cardiovascular diseases, e.g. in the recovery from myocardial infarction, arrhythmias,ischemic heart disease, and hypertension.

βœ…Pain therapy associated with migraines and vasomotor headaches


βœ…Plug-in applicator, 2 applicators can work simultaneously

βœ…Multiple options of different applicators

  *PM-135, PM-200, PM-260, PM COLD LASER

βœ…Water cooling system supports for long lasting work

βœ…Flexible holding arm for easy applicator positioning

βœ…1-150Hz in MT mode and 1000-3000Hz in ST mode

βœ…4-7 Tesla high intensity magnetic field coil

βœ…F1-F10 muItiple frequency settings by therapist professionals

Intelligent Software

βœ…10.4-Inch touch screen

βœ…Two channels can work simultaneously or separately

βœ…10 frequency settings1-150Hz in MT mode

βœ…Preset parameters for 10 body parts

βœ…Professional guidance


KAPHAPHYSIO | Building 23, Yongxu Industrial Park, CN | +8613060901678(Amber Han) |
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