High Frequency
Ring Type Applicator
Ring Type Applicator
Better for Joint Pain
5 Tesla(5T)
5 Tesla(5T)
Deep Penetration
The overall of Phydio Magnetic Super Transdunction
PMST-5 uses pulse electricity to send signals through the body and to the braine of human required . PEMF(Phydio Magnetic Super Transdunction) Therapy works effectively to re-align the electric potential of our cells and to regenerate and rehabilitate body musculoskeletal disorders. PMST therapy boasts a 5 Tesla magnetic field strength, a 30% increase from older models. For Physio Therapy Treatment, it offers upgraded frequencies: up to 100Hz for MT mode and 1000–3000 Hz for high-frequency ST mode, allowing a penetration depth of 18 cm and a broad range of indications.
Why choose Phydio Magnetic Super Transdunction?
(Phydio Magnetic Super Transdunction)Therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment for various injuries, bone related conditions and pains. The treatment works by emitting a pulsating, varying intensity and frequency electromagnetic field placed around the patient. The application of pulsed magnetic fields has, through research findings, been shown to help the body to restore normal potentials at an accelerated rate
Working Principle
How does magneto therapy work?
What  can magneto therapy do?
How does magneto therapy work?
PMST means physio magneto super transduction therapy. It delivers high-intensity electromagnetic pulses to targeted areas of the body. which is an innovative technology pulsing a magnetic field into the body, creating an extraordinary healing effect.
Damaged cells are re-energized by boosting electrical charges within the cell, cellular metabolism increases, and blood circulation is improved.
What can magneto therapy do?
These pulses, occurring in short bursts, influence cellular behavior, metabolism, and neuromuscular function. With potential benefits in bone healing, pain management, and inflammation reduction, Phydio Magnetic Super Transdunction is used in various clinical settings by healthcare professionals. While promising, consulting with a healthcare professional before undergoing Phydio Magnetic Super Transdunction therapy is essential, especially for those with underlying health issues or during pregnancy.
More Details

Product Name



Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Oscillation  frequenc

Max  3000 Hz

Field strength at the coi


Field strength at 4cm distance





100~240v 50/60Hz

Water Cooling Syste

Water 2.5L


Flight Case

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