The overal of K-smart tecar
TECAR stands for “Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer “, and is also known as diathermy or diathermic therapy. It is an electrotherapy that changes temperature in deep tissues to accelerate healing process. K-Smart Tecar for endothermal energetic transmission with capacitive/resistive modes, used in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, transfers energy to patient’s tissues via an electrical signal, modulated in a frequency 448Khz and 300W high power (medium wave) that is propagated in the patient’s tissues through a plate and two types of ELECTRODES.
Why choose K-smart tecar?
Electrical energy, travelling through electrodes in contact with the affected body tissues, increases localised temperature.The resulting electromagnetic energy creates ionic flow and micro-hyperaemia, thus stimulating the release of endogenous analgesic, biostimulative and regenerative “substances” in tissues, which reduces oedema and inflammation.